8 research outputs found

    Improving the Performances of Asynchronous Search Algorithms in Scale-Free Networks Using the Nogood Processor Technique

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    The scale-free graphs were proposed as a generic and universal model of network topologies that exhibit power-law distributions in the connectivity of network nodes. In recent years various complex networks were identified as having a scale-free structure. Little research was done concerning the network structure for DisCSP, and in particular, for scale-free networks. The asynchronous searching techniques are characterized by the occurrence of nogood values during the search for a solution. In this article we analyze the distribution of nogood values to agents and the way how to use the information from the nogood; that is called the nogood processor technique. We examine the effect of nogood processor for networks that have a scale-free structure aiming to develop search algorithms specialized for scale-free networks of constraints, algorithms that require minimum costs for obtaining the solution. We develop a novel way for distributing nogood values to agents, thus obtaining a new hybrid search technique that uses the information from the stored nogoods. The experiments show that it is more effective for several families of asynchronous techniques; we perform tests with the model running on a cluster of computers. Also, we examine the effect of synchronization of agents' execution and of processing messages by packets in scale-free networks

    The Effects of Agent Synchronization in Asynchronous Search Algorithms

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    Abstract. The asynchronous searching techniques are characterized by the fact that each agent instantiates its variables in a concurrent way. Then, it sends the values of its variables to other agents directly connected to it by using messages. These asynchronous techniques have different behaviors in case of delays in sending messages. This article depicts the opportunity for synchronizing agents ’ execution in case of asynchronous techniques. It investigates and compares the behaviors of several asynchronous techniques in two cases: agents process the received messages asynchronously (the real situation from practice) and the synchronous case, when a synchronization of the agents ’ execution is done i.e. the agents perform a computing cycle in which they process a message from a message queue. After that, the synchronization is done by waiting for the other agents to finalize the processing of their messages. The experiments show that the synchronization of the agents ’ execution leads to lower costs in searching for solution. A solution for synchronizing the agents ’ execution is proposed for the analyzed asynchronous techniques.